Baris Goroglu

Creative graphic designer and web designer with extensive professional history conceptualising, designing, and strategically growing businesses in the digital space.

What is SEO and how does it help businesses achieve positive ROI?

What is SEO and how does it help businesses achieve positive ROI?

Search Engine Optimisation is a unique online marketing strategy that will help you design a highly functional and user-friendly business website. Not just that, it will also enable your brand to get maximum online exposure on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). SEO is basically a strategy that gives you an opportunity to lay a solid … Read more

8 social media marketing tips for businesses in 2021

Social media is a staple in all of our lives. It has slowly changed how we think about brands and helped us make better purchasing decisions. For brands, social media has brought a great opportunity to stay closely connected with their target audience and develop a strong relationship with them. 8 Social Media Marketing Tips … Read more

5 most effective ways to advertise your local business for free

5 most effective ways to advertise your local business for free

Advertising your local business is a challenge in itself. This is because most local businesses don’t have a solid marketing budget. However, this should not stop them from leveraging the internet to boost their revenue. There are many free and effective ways to advertise your local businesses in 2020. In this post, we the top … Read more

4 ways to know it's time to rebrand your business

4 ways to know it’s time to rebrand your business

Rebranding is a task you don’t undertake out of the blue. After all, it is going to alter your brand message and identity and might even affect how your customers perceive your products and services. However, rebranding is a crucial part of the brand development process. You should not shy away from rebranding your business … Read more

5 social media marketing ideas you should implement into your business today

5 social media marketing ideas you should implement today

The world of social media marketing is changing very quickly. The incessant developments in technology have helped brands to take great advantage of social media platforms and even make a real impact on society. However, most brands have no clue what they need to do on their social media accounts. Check out these 5 social … Read more

Why is digital marketing important in 2020?

Why is digital marketing important in 2020?

It’s a crucial part of the year as we head towards the Q4. We had so much to endure in the previous three quarters, didn’t we? The coronavirus pandemic, nationwide lockdowns, economic crisis, and whatnot. Still, businesses around the world are not stopping to make profits. Wonder how? It’s what digital marketing does for you. … Read more